Deferred Retirement

A deferred retirement benefit shall be payable to a member who has 10 years of service to his credit and is, on separation, less than forty-five years of age. The deferred retirement benefit shall be computed in the manner stipulated in regulation 8(4) except that its commencement shall be deferred until the last day following:

(A) the member’s sixty-fifth birthday, in the case of a judge;
(B) the member’s sixtieth birthday, in the case of a member other than the one mentioned in (A)

Notwithstanding, a member entitled to deferred retirement may at any time have his pension commence on the last day of any month between his (a) forty-fifth and sixty-fifth birthday, in the case of a member who is a judge, (b) forty-fifth and sixtieth birthday, in the case of a member who retires at sixty years of age.