Interpretation on the Public Service Pensions Fund Order 1993, unless the context otherwise requires:
means the Public Service Pensions Board established under Section 4 of the Public Service Pensions Order 1993;
means the Public Service Pensions Fund established under Section 3 of the Public Service Pensions Order 1993;
means the Government of Eswatini;
means the Minister for Public Service;
non-pensionable office means an office in the Public Service that is not pensionable;
pensionable office
means an office in the Public Service in which the holder of that office is employed on a permanent basis and includes any probation period thereof;
Public service
- Service in a civil capacity in the government notwithstanding that such service is permanent or probational;
- Service as a member of the teaching service;
- Service as a member of the Police Force, Fire Service, Prison Service or Defence Force;
- Any other which the Minister, in consultation with the Public Service Pensions Fund Board, may determine to be public service for the purpose of this order;
Public officer
means a person who holds or is appointed to a pensionable office, and includes a person whose terms and conditions of service are governed by a contract between himself and the Government;
means the Public Service Pensions Fund Regulations, 1993 and any other regulations which the Minister may, in consultation with the Public Service Pensions Fund Board, make from time to time to fulfill the objects and purpose of this Order;
means the Secretary to the Board appointed in terms of section 5 of this Order.
final salary
means your annual pensionable salary on your last working day or the day on which you attain your normal retirement age, whichever is the earlier, provided if you have been promoted once or more during the thirty-six months immediately preceding your last working day or your normal retirement age, your final salary will be the average of your annual pensionable salary during that thirty six months.
pensionable service
is the period during which you have been a contributing member of the Fund and any other period recognized as pensionable service by the Fund prior to your retirement age.
means in relation to a deceased member as follows:
- A person in respect of whom the member is legally liable for maintenance;
- A person in respect of whom the member is not legally liable for maintenance if such person-
- Was in the opinion of the management board dependant on the member for maintenance;
- Is the spouse of the member and shall include a spouse as a result of any customary or religious union;
- Is a child of the member and shall include a posthumous child, and an adopted child;
- A person in respect of whom the member would have become legally liable for maintenance, had the member not died.
Dependant child
means a child in utero or an existing child who:
- Is unmarried under the age of 21years; or
- (b) Is unmarried, under the age of 25 years, and a full-time student at a public educational institution, including an illegitimate child and a step-child.